Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) in March 2020 is 95.51 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Timor Tengah Selatan Regency

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Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) in March 2020 is 95.51

Release Date : April 1, 2020
File Size : 1.35 MB


Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) in March 2020 is based on the NTP calculation with the base year 2018 (2018 = 100). This NTP calculation includes 5 subsectors, namely rice & secondary crops, horticulture, smallholder crops, livestock and fisheries.
• In March, the East Nusa Tenggara NTP was 95.51 with the NTP of each subsector recorded at 95.21 for the rice-palawija crop subsector (NTP-P); 102.68 for the sub-sector of horticulture (NTP-H); 91.27 for the smallholder plantations subsector (NTP-TPR); 102.85 for the agriculture subsector (NTP-Pt) and 95.03 for the fisheries subsector (NTP-Pi).
• There was a decrease of 0.55 percent in March NTP if compared to February NTP. It can be concluded that the level of ability / purchasing power and exchange power (term of trade) of farmers in rural areas decreased compared to the previous month or the price of production commodities decreased while the prices of household consumption commodities and capital goods increased.
• In rural areas 0.08 percent inflation occurred due to an increase in health costs.

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